Water Theme Applauses / Cheers


Some applauses and cheers for your next nautical themed rain-gutter regatta, pack meeting, or campfire.

Buccaneer: “Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of coke.”

Deep Sea Diver: “Blub, blub, blub”

Pirate: “Avast, ye landlubber, Walk the plank! Glub, glub, glub.”

Viking: Motion as if using the oars on a Viking Ship, row together back and forth several times.

Fisherman: “The fish I missed was this big, no this big, well maybe this big!”

Sailboat Regatta: Hold right hand palm up in front of face and blow across it with a series of puffs.

Lobster: While speaking in a low voice say, “Pinch, pinch, pinch.” At the same time move all the fingers and thumbs together in pinching motions.

Lighthouse: Stand straight and tall with hands at shoulder height, fingers open and shut while saying, “Blink, Blink, Blink.” Then say very loudly like a foghorn, “BAAAAAAH.” (extra: spin in place)

Steamboat: Use both hands to make large rotary motions as if they were paddle wheels on an old side-wheeler. At the same time, say “Chug-a-chug-chug,” then reach up with right hand and pull down, saying “Toot, toot!”

Big Wave: Best done in a big group. Have the odd numbered rows lean to the right first and the even numbered rows lean to the left first and say swoosh as the move back and forth.


Jungle Book Song


Water Theme Run-Ons