Four Freedoms Flag Ceremony


This ceremony is appropriate for the opening, closing or other inspirational spot on the program.

Personnel: Five Cub Scouts, one narrator

Equipment: U.S. Flag, four candles, lighter

Arrangement: Each of four Cub Scouts holds a corner of the flag in one hand and a candle in the other. The flag is tilted so the audience can see it. The narrator solemnly lights each candle with a lighter.


What you see here represents the past, present, and the future. The stripes of Old Glory stand for the original thirteen colonies. The stars represent the present states. The Cub Scouts represent the men of tomorrow. The light and warmth of the four candles remind us of the great Four Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear.

Eliminate any one of these freedoms and our would would become a darker and colder place. (At this paint, the candles are clown out by the Cubs, one by one. As each is extinguished, the narrator says:)

  • Freedom of Speech

  • Freedom of Worship

  • Freedom from Want

  • Freedom from Fear

(When the room is in darkness, the Cub Scouts quickly shift their positions so that when the lights come on, two Cub Scouts are holding the flag high and the other two are saluting it.)

In this world of potential cold and darkness, of rule by a few, stands the United States of America. Here the Four Freedoms do exist and are an example of warmth and light to all. Let us all stand and sing “God Bless America.”


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