Head West Opening Ceremony

Cubmaster comes dressed as a cowboy / cowgirl.



Today we’re going to learn about Perseverance from the brave people who heeded the advice to Head West. One saying from a cowboy is, “When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.” A Texan put it this way, “You can’t tell how good a person or a watermelon is ‘til they get thumped.” this means that Character shows up best when it is tested. How we face our failures is as important as how we face our successes. Another cowboy said, “Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.” We want you to look back on your efforts in scouting and feel good about your efforts and how you treated others. So let’s make sure we have a good time tonight, play fairly, and treat others well. And lastly, “Any cowboy can carry a tune. The trouble comes when he tries to unload it.” And with that, let’s unload a tune.


General Suggestions For Good Meetings


The Grizzly Bear