Overnight Campout Duty Roster

Have you ever attempted to take care of all the chores associated with camping on an overnight campout? If you have… your probably not going to enjoy camping very long. Spreading out all the chores between patrol members is ideal so that not just one personal is stuck doing everything.

When camping overnight, our troop will arrive at the campsite around 6:00pm and break camp the next day in time to be back at our starting point at 4:00pm for parents to pick up. In this time frame, we will have dinner, breakfast, and lunch. Also, we will have some type of campfire and cracker barrel (treats). Having cooperation in camp with the tasks involved makes the experience of camping more enjoyable.

Some of the tasks that need to be completed on each overnight camp out include: Cooking, keeping the campsite clean, washing the dishes used for cooking, tending the fire, making sure water is available, and so on. The camping merit badge has us completing a duty roster in requirement 4a. Even though this is specific for the merit badge, this is a great practice to complete on all overnight camp outs to keep things organized.

Click on the link below for the free printable.

Overnight Campout Duty Roster.JPG

Calamity Jane


The Attraction of Scouting