Push ups, Sit ups, Running, Oh my!

One trend that usually happens at the beginning of every year is working out to get in shape. What better time than the first of January to complete this requirement for Tenderfoot?! Scoutmasters can do this also!

Requirement #6 of the Tenderfoot rank has us taking a test, creating a workout from the test, and then re-running that test in 30 days to find out if we have improved.

First Test (6a)

We will be recording how many push ups and sit ups (or curls) we can do in 60 seconds. Along with that, we will be doing the sit and reach to record our flexibility and recording how long it takes us to walk or run the mile. I few month ago we did a post about how to perform the sit and reach and what to do if you do not have a sit and reach box. Check out the post here.

30 day work out plan (6b)

Tenderfoot 6b.JPG

We will need to come up with a workout plan / routine. After discussing how you will complete this plan, track your activity and progression for 30 days. Here is a free printable to assist you with your tracking.

Final Results (6c)

After the 30 day tracking, we will complete the same exact test as we did with Req 6a. Only this time we need to show some type of improvement. An example: if you only did 12 push ups the first time, you will need to do at least 13 push ups on the final test. When it comes to the mile walk/run, you need to have a faster time than last time. Every second counts!

Tenderfoot 6a, 6c.JPG

Philmont Grace


Pounding Rock