Change a Smoke Detector Battery

Smoke Detector

The Webelos and AOL adventure, Fix It, has us taking a look at changing the battery in a smoke detector.

Smoke detectors are one of those items in your home that you do not use all the time. In reality, I hope to never ever have to use it. Periodically it does go off when someone burns the popcorn in the microwave. But, you always want to be prepared right!? So we keep the batteries ready at all times.

Your smoke detectors should be tested on a monthly basis. To help, choose a single day of each month to complete the test. Maybe the first day of the month. To test, there is a button located on the front of the smoke detector, press and hold until the alarm sounds. Test completed. If nothing happens, you need a new battery.

Our smoke detectors are also tied together through the electrical system of the house. To change our batteries, we must pop off the wiring on the back to remove the battery cover. After you replace the battery, make sure to press the test button to double check that everything is working correctly.

It is recommended that you change your smoke detector batteries at 1 or 2 times a year.


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