
The Webelos adventure, Into The Wild, has us learning about bird flyways around us.

Have you ever heard the term, “Flying south for the winter”. If so, this is a large part of flyways for migratory birds. Most of the birds that fly south for the winter in our area are geese. Twice a year they will migrate. In the spring time they will fly north to breed and return south in the fall to escape the freezing conditions of the artic winters.

It was determined that the birds used a specific migratory pattern, discovered by Frederick Charles Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln would trap and place bands on the birds. This allowed for collection of data and record keeping as others would assist throughout the world to record the travel of bird.

What is really interesting is in the southern hemisphere, the migratory birds fly south for the spring and north for the winter. Opposite of what we are use to in the United States. This is due to the warmer weather closes to the equator.

Here is an example of the flyways for waterfowl:


Here is an example of what the tracking bands look like


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