2021-17 Dollar Bill

Dollar Bill.jpg

Have 2 crisp dollar bills to assist with this Scouter’s Minute

Showing one of the dollar bills: Take a look at this nice crisp dollar bill. Fresh off the printing press from the mint. Nice right? Well, I’m going to to give it away so raise your hand if you would like this fresh, clean, crisp one dollar bill.

Ok, before I give it away, I’m going to crumple it up into a ball. Who still wants it?

Ok, hold on, I’m going to drop it on the ground and step all over it… Who still wants it?

(hold up the crumpled bill in one hand and the second clean bill in the other)

In my pocket I have another fresh, clean, new dollar bill. Lets compare the two. One of these bills is clean and nice to look at. The other as been through some hard times. It’s crumpled, grimey, and not as good looking as the crisp dollar bill.

What is the crisp dollar bill worth?

What is the crumpled dollar bill worth?

Neither is more valuable than the other. Their worth is not based on how they look. Like these dollars are valuable because they are dollars, people (you, me, and everyone else who calls this 3rd rock from the sun home) are valuable just because they are people, not because of how they look.


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