2020-32 Chirp, Chirp, Chirp


This last week our troop had an amazing event happen… we had our first Eagle! This did not happen overnight but has been in the scouting incubator for 7 years.

 I’m reminded of a scene in one of my favorite musicals, 1776.  We have John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson sitting on the steps of Independence Hall in Philadelphia waiting for the chirp, chirp, chirp of an eaglet being born while playing midwives to an egg. They have just completed putting the declaration of independence on paper and are debating on which bird will represent our nation. The eagle, the dove, or… the turkey.  We see Benjamin Franklin voice his opinion towards the turkey while calling the eagle a scavenger, thief, and coward. Franklin eventually comes around to agree on the Eagle with the other two.

Tonight, we awarded you with the hours and hours of work that you, your family, your friends, and your leaders have completed along your trail to eagle. Adding a little here and a little there to your egg. And tonight, you hatched and become an Eaglet.  As a newly hatched Eaglet, there is still a lot that will need to be completed as you mature into a full-grown Eagle. Take a look at those who have been invited to sit within the Eagles Nest, there is quite a few of them that are balding, or are Bald Eagles.  The journey does not end when you receive this award but continues with you through all the days of your life while you interact and work with others around you. 

Throughout your life, continue to do your best, do your duty to God and your county, always help others, stay physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Keep the 12 points of the scout law in your back pocket. At home, school, or work; be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.


2020-33 Everybody's Canoe


2020-31 Full Uniform