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What is Germination

It’s that time of year when the ground starts to get a little greener and the trees start to bud. Spring brings in new life as it ushers old man winter out. The gardening merit badge is one of those badges that you should start in the spring as the flowers and vegetables you will be growing from seeds need to have enough time to germinate, grow, and produce. Your flowers will usually produce in early to mid summer while your vegetables will produce in late summer to early fall. Not much grows in our neck of the woods during the fall or winter unless you have a green house.

To start you will need to germinate your seeds. I really enjoy using the jiffy brand mini greenhouse trays. The peat moss tablets used will quadrupal in size when you add your water. Plus they hold the water for weeks on end if you keep the lid on the tray. The sprouts pictured only took 5 days to germinate using this method. We germinated Black Eyed Susan, Basis, and Butterfly Flower.

What is Germination?

Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm.