
Worldwide, it is estimated that 285 million people are visually impaired. Out of that number 246 million have low vision and 39 million are blind.  Chances are, each one of us knows someone who is visually impaired.  My next door neighbor is a sweet lady in her late 60's.  While an infant, she contracted polo (which is not too big of a problem now-a-days thanks to vaccinations) which almost took her little life.  As a result of having polo, she has been blind for most of her life.  I say most of her life only due to some pretty amazing surgeries she underwent a few years ago that allowed her to have her vision back for about a year.  Unfortunately her eyes reverted back to not being able to be used, but the time that she did have her vision back was one that she will cherish forever.  Many of us take our vision for granted... when we wake up and open our eyes things just start working with little to no effort.  My daughter wears glasses. Each day when she wakes up she is able to see without them.  Things may be blurry until she puts her glasses on, but in many ways, she is able to see without her glasses. Reading without her glasses is a different story, and almost next to impossible. Being completely blind raises the question, how do individuals who are blind read?
With the help of amazing technology, those who are blind are able to have audio books and other dictation computer programs assist them.  For those that still want to read a book on good-ole paper, there is braille. Braille is a from of written language for those who are blind. The characters are represented by patterns of raised dots that are felt with the fingertips. The next time you are in a public place, look for the raised braille on the restrooms signs.
While working on your Tiger Elective Adventure; Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries, you have the opportunity to use braille.  In requirement 6, it has you spell your name in Braille.  The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) has a wonderful tool to assist you in completing this requirement at

Our name in Braille

Our name in Braille


Build A Tent From 1939


Camp Cooking