Asteroid 2014 DX110 Buzzed The Earth

The newly discovered asteroid known as 2014 DX110 passed close to earth Wednesday afternoon, buzzing by at 33,000 mph. The video above is the flight path of the astroid and all planets within its path.

Scientists estimate the asteroid is between 45 and 130 feet across. The distance between the Earth and moon is about 239,000 miles where 2014 DX110 passed 217,000 miles from us.  That's right, It flew between us and the moon creating a 1/10,000,000 chance that 2014 DX110 would colide with Earth.

According to, this passing was just an appetizer for a larger astroid named 2014 CU13 scheduled to buzz the planet this Sunday night, March 9th, 2014.

While gazing up at the sky for a glimps of 2014 CU13 this weekend; Here are a few other Astronomy requirments you could pass off.


Genealogy Merit Badge Requirement 1


Aquanaut Activity Badge