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Painted Wolf Ceremony

Materials: Blue, Red and Yellow Paint, Wolf Badges, Safety Pins , Small tom-tom 

Introduction: Indian Drummer begins soft, slow rhythmic beat. 

CM: When a boy joins a Cub Scout Pack, he earns the badge of the Bobcat and starts on an upward trail. This trail will lead him through the footsteps of the wolf, the bear and the Webelos brave, and on his way to the highest honor of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Tonight, we honor those Scouts who have made a significant advancement along this journey. Would the following Scouts and their parent please come forward. 

Read Scouts names. 

CM: Please recite with me the Cub Scout Promise: 

CM & Cubs: I promise to do my best, 

to do my duty to God and my country, 

to help other people and to obey the Law of the Pack. 

CM: Do you want to wear the sign of the Wolf? If you do, please say "yes". 

Cubs: Yes 

CM: You have worked hard with your Den and your parents to fulfill the Wolf requirements. You are now ready to wear the sign of the Wolf. 

The blue on your chin stands for HAPPINESS from your days as a Bobcat. 

(Parents paint two vertical blue stripes on chin) 

The red on your forehead is for BRAVERY when you become a Bear. 

(Parents paint two vertical stripes on forehead) 

The yellow across your nose is for SUNLIGHT along the Wolf trail. 

(Parents paint a yellow ramp across the nose from ear to ear with a stripe under the ramp on each cheek) 

The Purple is for PRIDE in your accomplishments 

Wolf Cubs, remember the meaning of your Wolf paint. It shows that you are ready to move along the upward trail of Scouting. I will present your badge to your parent who will pin it to your uniform when you go back to your seat. 

Boys, parents and guests of Pack 61, please join me in congratulating these boys in their achievement with the Cub Scout Cheer. I yell CUB -- audience yells SCOUTS (3 times) than conclude with applause.